Toplumsal ve Ekolojik Bütünleşme

Bodrum Mimarlık Kitaplığı, 25 Ekim 2024 Cuma günü saat 19.00'da Sergei Tchoban'ın "Toplumsal ve Ekolojik Bütünleşme / Social and Ecological Integration" sunumuna ev sahipliği yapacak.

The concept of sustainability is multi-layered and – among other aspects – attempts to integrate areas such as green building, ecological but also social and cultural integration. Green, sustainable, resource- and energy-efficient construction encompasses the entire life cycle of a building. When planning the modular timber hybrid office complex EDGE Suedkreuz Berlin, the focus was on reducing the CO2 footprint as much as possible, especially the weight of the complex, and on using sustainable materials that can be recycled according to the cradle-to-cradle principle. The German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) certified the project as Germany’s most sustainable building in 2022. During the lecture, other projects will be presented that have the same ecological aspirations but pursue other, exciting solutions. Museum buildings, schools and meeting places not only enrich the cultural landscape, but also have a lasting impact on society, social integration and cultural participation. It is therefore particularly important for architects and builders to make the cultural aspects and functions of the architecture visible from afar in the urban space, which is an additional important contribution to the cultural integration.


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