Galataport Informal Stores

Galataport Informal Stores

In-Formal's Galataport store, where international high-end brands are offered for sale together, was designed by Zemberek Design.

Within the fluid circulation created with organic building elements, small sections that did not break away from the main design decision, but were volumetrically defined by curvilinear surfaces, hosted different brands. At every stage of the visitor experience, starting from the facade, the dominance of the feeling of “serenity”, which distinguishes from the intensity outside, was determined as one of the important criteria. The shell, created with layered walls in front of all the walls of the space, was designed to serve to create an introverted fiction.

The culture-art-based formation of Galataport was also the inspiration for the concept of the store. The store was conceived as a small exhibition space where art works are included in addition to the products of the brands offered for sale. With the sculptural attitude of the curvilinear walls, he also created a poetic background for the works of art.

While In- Formal women’s and men’s stores were designed with a single concept, they were separated only by the color used on the background walls. The material palette of the concept has been gathered on a neutral base where the brands it hosts can remain readable. The background walls, created with a matte and natural texture of a stable single color, created an intensely felt containment effect. Monochrome walls with organic form strongly emphasized the unifying nature of In-Formal, while the nature of these walls consisting of parts allowed them to distinguish different brands from each other. In the exhibition elements; in addition to processed metal and wood, the combination of rock fragments used as they came out of nature accompanied the riches collected by the brand.

Leaving the urban texture and passing through the sharp streets of Galataport leading to the sea, the idea of offering a “light” experience consisting of fluid, calm, organic lines was started with the visitor. In the concept design; a single, holistic experience was aimed, while a gentle attitude was brought to the fore with a circulation fiction that does not dominate but directs. The curvilinear ceiling forms accompanying the walls, the backlight seeping through the slits, the elegant function-oriented language with few elements preferred in the exhibition modules were considered to holistically organize the feeling of dominating the space.


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