
Yoğunluk designed an installation titled Interface at Bilsart.

Space of a r a y ü z ( i n t e r f a c e ) conditions the contact of the visitor with various methods. Whether it is the amount of light touching the surface and its transformation in time, whether it is the projected image on the curtain, whether it is the ability to enter the space by stretching various layers of fabric before entering, they all allow the visitor to come in contact with the surface. Space and material entrenches the viewer from all sides and aims to dominate all their senses.They get the visitor out of the role of a viewer and transform them to a performative element of the space. Therefore, while they turn the viewer into a part of the work, they also temporarily put an embargo on their sensory modules.

Interface: Screenification, Image Retention of Surfaces

Fabric surface gains a semi-transparent quality with the effect of tension while the action potential of the visitor turns into an interactive interface. In the circumstances where light illuminates from the back, top and front, qualities of projection changes and the curtain is screenified. We can look at this screen as an interface as it also contains potentiality of interaction through contact. Without contact, the movements of the visitor is limited to two dimensions and the surface only transmits visual projections. If there is human contact on the surface, the third dimension appears and kinetic sculpturalities (relief) transpire.

Semi-porous Surfaces / Semi-porous Volumes

The group, who has been working on surface permeability for years, creates surfaces, volumes turned into displays by the impact of light. Light activates and incarnates the material used as a surface.

3rd Situation.

During flow of the work, image projection is clung to the surface in defined time intervals. Aforementioned potentialities of interaction are recorded and they are also projected to the same surface. This allows the addition of a new ‘imaginary’ layer. But at one time or another this layer of projection obscures itself and stimulates the viewer into interaction as if there is someone behind the curtain.The third situation appears as the projection on the surface converges or superposes with the possible contact by visitors from the back or in front of the curtain. Overlapping of moving images with movements of real plane creates the most complex version of the ‘interface’. Ontologically, even if the projected image has a digital existence, digital is not accepted as a language and can be very much realized through analogue methods.


Regardless of visitor’s presence inside, the work opens itself for experience within a time axis. This means: In a predefined time frame automated light, sound and images appear inside the space. This construction of the process creates a dramaturgy in the space and facilitates an abstract narrative.


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