“3. Uluslararası Mimarlık ve İç Mekan Tasarımında Yeni Akımlar” konferansı 28-20 Nisan 2016'da Helsinki'de yapılacak.
Konferansta konuşulacak konular şöyle:
- Criticism of sustainability / Unsustainability
- Philosophy of architecture / Architecture without philosophy
- Professional settlement of interior architecture
- Spatial organizations by furniture design
- Intangible skin of space: lighting design
- Tangible skin of space: material
- Ideology in architecture / Ideology of architecture
- Spaces without space: 3D virtual spaces
- Math of space: spatial analysis and parametric design
- Artistic value of space
- Architecture without architect
- Cultural codes in architecture
- Flexibility in design
- New trends in spatial design education
Detaylı bilgilere buradan ulaşabilirsiniz.