Mekan Konuşmaları 81: “Hakikat Hakkı: Geçiş Adaleti ve Beyoğlu / Taksim’in Bir Diğer Tarihi”

Bilgi Üniversitesi Mimarlık Yüksek Lisans öğrencilerinin düzenlediği “Mekan Konuşmaları” serisinin 7 Mayıs akşamı yapılacak 81. etkinliğine, Cornell University’den Esra Akcan konuk olacak.

Yalnız Cumartesi Anneleri ve Galatasaray Meydanı özelinde değil, dünyanın pek çok yerinde benzer umutlarla mekânlaşan hakikat ve hak arayışlarını izleyen Akcan’ın konuşma başlığı “Hakikat Hakkı: Geçiş Adaleti ve Beyoğlu/Taksim’in Bir Diğer Tarihi”.

Right-to-Truth: Transitional Justice and An Alternative History of Beyoğlu/Taksim

Esra Akcan, Cornell University

This lecture explores the relation between architecture and transitional justice. Recognized by international law as a foundational concept of transitional justice, the right-to-truth oversees the right of relatives to know the truth about individuals who have been subject to human rights violations in the past, and whose truth has been obscured due to denial of accountability and distortion of facts in official national histories. This lecture discusses truth and recognition of suffering as a prerequisite of healing by concentrating on the ongoing struggle of Saturday Mothers in Turkey who have been asking for the whereabouts of their disappeared relatives by protesting at Istanbul’s Galatasaray square every Saturday since 1995. Given that transitional justice is far from a resolved process, the lecture discusses it as a continually evolving platform, where societies formulate new forms of justice and peacebuilding steps. While it concentrates on Istanbul’s Galatasaray square in its broader context that includes the Beyoğlu/Taksim area, it also exemplifies experiences of countries that went through transitional justice processes, including Argentina, Bosnia, Chile, Germany, Rwanda, South Africa, and USA. The chapter shows that a mother’s right to mourn is also a society’s right to heal.

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Meeting ID: 892 8973 9826
Passcode: 134753
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