3-2-1 Qatar Olympic and Sports Museum (QOSM) ile İsviçre’nin Lozan kentindeki Olympic Museum işbirliğiyle düzenlenen ve dijital sanatın yaratıcı gücünü Olimpiyat Oyunları’nın tarihi ve kültürel önemiyle bir araya getirerek izleyicilerin Olimpiyat deneyimini yeni boyutlara taşımayı amaçlayan "Olympic Heritage | Artists in Residence" programı için başvurular, 31 Mayıs 2025 saat 23:59’a kadar yapılabiliyor.
The Olympic Heritage | Artists in Residence 2025 programme (“ Olympic Heritage | Artists in Residence”) aims to push the boundaries of how audiences experience the Olympic Games by ringing together the creative power of digital art with the Olympic Games’ historic and cultural significance.
The Olympic Heritage | Artists in Residence programme is a collaboration between the 3-2-1 Qatar Olympic and Sports Museum in Doha, Qatar (the “3-2-1 Museum”) and the Olympic Foundation for Culture and Heritage/Olympic Museum in Lausanne, Switzerland (the “Olympic Museum”). In particular, two artists will be selected by an international jury (the “Jury”) for a two-months’ residency (the “Residency”) – one artist will be based at the 3-2-1 Museum in Doha, while the other artist will be based at the Olympic Museum in Lausanne.
Participating Artists (“Applicants”) shall express their preference in completing the Residency either with the 3-2-1 Museum or with the Olympic Museum. Applicants will be considered for both locations. The final allocation of residencies will depend on the Jury’s decision, but preferences will be taken into account where possible.
The Residency will provide the selected artists (the “Selected Artists”) with the freedom and resources to explore the 3-2-1 Museum’s and Olympic Museum’s collections and the historic and cultural significance of the Olympic Games through the use of innovative media.
Upon completion of the Residency, Selected Artists shall create new, meaningful, and boundarypushing artworks that enhance the understanding and appreciation of sports culture and the Olympic Games.
Olympic Heritage | Artists in Residence is open to digital artists worldwide who are aged at least 18 or under 35 on 31.12.2025 (official documentation as proof of age must be uploaded to establish eligibility).
Artists whose professional practice involves a significant element of digital are invited to propose innovative projects based on Olympic history, sports journeys, and the impact of technology on sports.
Entry is free of charge and submission is only valid online through the relevant online form. Whilst other media can be included, Applicants’ proposals should include digital as a significant component within their proposals.
As soon as the required information and documents are submitted, confirmation of participation will be sent by JotForm email. For the avoidance of doubt, only eligible and complete submissions will be taken into account.
Applications must be submitted in English in digital format on the JotForm provided, no other means of candidature shall be admitted.
Applicants must complete all required fields (as indicated with a red asterisk within the form). Incomplete entries cannot be accepted.
Applicants must follow the requirements for file formats, file naming, file size and page limits specified on the form. Applications that do not meet these requirements cannot be accepted.
Personal data will be treated as confidential and shared only with the staff of the two museums for checking eligibility and the judging panel.
Applications submitted after the application deadline (as defined below) cannot be accepted. In case of selection, Applicants agree to undertake the Residency during the following dates:
1 October 2025 – 1 December 2025. For the avoidance of doubt, such dates cannot be changed. The detailed terms of the Residency will be set out in the Artist Agreement (as defined below). The Artist Agreement must be signed by the Selected Artist within the timeframe specified in section 7 – Schedule below, so that flights and accommodation can be booked.
Applicant shall submit the following documents by 23:59:00, 31 May 2025 (GTM +1):
1. Applicant’s CV (maximum of 3 sides of A4, as a .pdf or .docx), including name, contact details, education and list of exhibitions the Applicant participated in;
2. Applicant’s passport;
3. Short bio (maximum 150 words) and photograph (maximum 1MB);
4. Digital portfolio. This should include up to 6 images (max of 2MB each) of artwork and exhibitions. Optionally, up to 2 short films (maximum 20MB, duration of up to 1 minute) can also be accepted. Images and video files should be labelled and numbered lastname-firstname01 etc;
5. Applicant’s Proposal (maximum of 500 words), setting out Applicant will use the creative power of digital media to create a new, meaningful, and boundary-pushing artwork that:
• provides an immersive and inspiring visitor experience
• enhances the understanding and appreciation of sports culture and the Olympic Games.
• Khalifa Al Obaidly, artist and Director of Fire Station Artists in Residence & Tasweer Photo Festival, Doha
• Mrs Nita Ambani, International Olympic Committee Member and Founder and Chairperson of Reliance Foundation
• Rachel Falconer, writer, curator and Head of Digital Arts Computing, Goldsmiths University, London
• Susan Hayward, Deputy Director, 3-2-1 Qatar Olympic and Sports Museum
• Jonathan Kearney, artist, Curator and Head of Fine Art Digital, Central Saint Martins, London
• Yasmin Meichtry, Associate Director, Olympic Foundation for Culture and Heritage
• Britt Salvesen, curator and head of the Wallis Annenberg Photography Department and the Prints & Drawings Department, Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Announcement and Call for Submissions 17 March 2025
Submission Deadline 31 May 2025 23:59:00 GMT+1
Information to the winners 14 July 2025
Signature of Artist Agreement By no later than 16 July 2025
Announcement 16 July 2025 subject to prior signature of the Artist Agreement
Residency dates 1 October – 1 December 2025