
İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi Mimarlık Bölümü'nün 10. yılında mimarlık eğitimindeki yeni yaklaşımları keşfetmek adına yapılacak panel 29 Nisan'da üniversitenin konferans salonunda!

Katılımcıların gelişmekte olan sayısal tasarım yaklaşımları ve mimarlık eğitimindeki interdisipliner çerçevelere odaklanacağı panel, iki oturumda gerçekleşecek. Önde gelen akademisyenler ile uygulamacılar arasında bir diyalog geliştirmesi hedeflenen panel mimarlık eğitimini öncelikleri arasına koyuyor.

Panel ile ilgili detaylı bilgiye buradan erişebilirsiniz.

Theme 1: The Role of Computational Design in Architecture

Advances in digital computing not only challenge traditional ways of conceptualizing buildings but also impact on the nature of the relationship between design, construction, and habitation. The theme however requires further elaboration and the participants are asked to consider the role of computational design within a framework that links emerging practices in the profession with the relevant strategies adopted in architectural education. The guiding questions that are posed within this session are;
1. How do advances in digital computation shape the approaches to architectural education?
2. How does the academic community react to the developments in design computing?
3. What are the concerns about computational design within both practice based and academic communities?

Theme 2: Interdisciplinary Strategies in Architectural Education

Social, political, economical and environmental demands challenge the architect to rethink traditional strategies of organising and producing architecture. Therefore architectural education needs to address new teaching methodologies which broaden the understanding of, and prepare the architect for interdisciplinary design processes.
1. What are the goals and potentials of interdisciplinary strategies?
2. How are interdisciplinary strategies organised?
3. How do innovative interdisciplinary strategies lead to better architectural environments?


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