AI in Practice Competition

PAACADEMY ve Studio Tim Fu tarafından düzenlenen "AI in Practice Competition" dünyanın dört bir yanından mimarları ve tasarımcıları Londra'nın kalbinde simgesel bir bina tasarlamaya davet ediyor. Yarışma için son başvuru tarihi ise 25 Ekim 2024.

The “AI in Practice Competition” challenges architects and designers from around the world to conceptualize a landmark building in the heart of London. The concept should be a harmonious blend of innovation and heritage, reflecting the dynamic essence of London’s architectural landscape.


We are thrilled to announce the “AI in Practice Competition,” a prestigious event sponsored by Studio Tim Fu, where architects and designers from across the globe will explore the intersection of AI and architectural design. This competition challenges participants to conceptualize a landmark architecture (such as an iconic residential building or a mixed-use tower with a retail podium, etc.) in the heart of London, blending modern innovation with the city’s rich architectural heritage.

Challenge Topic: “Conceptualize a landmark building in the heart of London.”


Entries will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Design & Aesthetics: How visually compelling and cohesive is the design?
  • Feasibility & Realism: Can the design be realistically constructed?
  • AI Workflow Innovation: How creatively and effectively has AI been utilized?
  • Originality: How unique and inventive is the concept?
  • Adherence to Client Brief: How closely does the design follow the competition brief?

You can download the Competition Topic and Detailed Evaluation Criteria from this link.

Eligibility: This competition is open to individuals only; team submissions will not be accepted.


1st Place: $2,200Cash Prize.
Featured publication on the PA website and social media platforms.
Certificate of Participation.

2nd Place: $1,300 Cash Prize.
Featured publication on the PA website and social media platforms.
Certificate of Participation.

3rd Place: $900 Cash Prize.
Featured publication on the PA website and social media platforms.
Certificate of Participation.

3 Honorable Mentions: $200 Cash Prize.
Featured publication on the PA website and social media platforms.
Certificate of Participation.

Internship and Employment at Studio Tim Fu: STF will selectively approach winners for internships and potential employment opportunities.


Tuesday, 6 October 2024 14:00 GMT – Introduction Session ( Live Event )

Tuesday, 25 October 2024 23:59 GMT – Submission ends

Monday, 14 November 2024 16:00 – Winners Announcement on PA

Evaluation Criteria: You can check out the evaluation criteria and all necessary information at this link.

Jury Panel

Tim Fu – CEO of Studio Tim Fu

Saina Abdollahzadeh – Lead Architect (ARB, RIBA)

Rada Daleva – Project Lead

Marco Alfaro – Lead Researcher

Participation Fee: €35


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