Uluslararası Olimpiyat Komitesi (IOC) tarafından 19 Ocak - 1 Şubat 2024 tarihleri arasında Kore Cumhuriyeti'nin Gangwon kentinde yapılacak olan Youth Olympic Games madalyasının ön yüzünün tasarımı için düzenlenen yarışmaya son başvuru tarihi 8 Mart 2023.

How to enter
Download the documents
- Download the guidelines. Click here
- Download the toolkit. Click here
- Download the ZIP file containing the template in the following formats: JPG, PDF, EPS or TIFF. Click here
Design your medal
Choose the format you prefer, let your creativity flow and show us what you think the official medal of the Youth Olympic Games Gangwon 2024 should look like.
When designing your medal, you must respect the following guidelines:
- The competition is to design the obverse of the medal only (the reverse side will be designed by the Gangwon 2024 Youth Olympic Games Organising Committee (Gangwon 2024)).
- Your design (the front) should reflect the spirit of the Winter Youth Olympic Games, while the reverse side will be designed by Gangwon 2024 and reflect elements of Korean culture and the YOG emblem.
- The border of your design must be circular in shape, with no elements cut out.
- The Olympic rings must appear somewhere in your design.
- The Olympic rings must always be reproduced in their pure form. They may not be altered, formed from other elements or cut. Find the Olympic symbol guidelines here.
- Do not add text to your design, except if you wish to use the words Youth Olympic Games.
- For more information, read the Rules of the Youth Olympic Games Medal Design Competition to help create your design.
Please find examples of previous Medal Design Competition winners here: Lillehammer 2016, Buenos Aires 2018 and Lausanne 2020.
Submit your design
Upload your design in the template, respecting the following:
- Minimum size: 600×600 pixels.
- Maximum size: 1000×1000 pixels.
- Maximum resolution: 300 dpi.
- File format: JPG or PNG
- Give a name to your design and add a description.
- Complete your personal information (full name, email, date of birth, country, phone number).
- Click submit.
Once you have entered, you will receive an email confirming your entry has been received by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). You will be required to click on the link in the email to confirm your entry. The IOC will then review your entry to ensure it adheres to the Rules of the Youth Olympic Games Medal Design Competition, which you agree to comply with by registering and submitting your design; and to ensure that you have parental authorisation if you are a minor. You will receive a second email to confirm that your design has been entered into the competition and that it will be uploaded to the online gallery.
- Competition opens: 2 February 2023
- Competition closes: 8 March 2023 (23:59 GMT+1)
- Results announced: 31 March 2023
*Subject to change